Emmanuel John is a sustainable transport and road safety expert, and CEO of Ochenuell Mobility, with 26yrs experience at government, private sector and NGO levels. His organisation, Ochenuel Mobility is the founder and host of Open Streets Abuja, the Annual Capital City Cycling Championship, Abuja, and the Africa Sustainable Urban Mobility Course, a capacity building program which has trained participants from many African countries since inception in 2019.
Ochenuel Mobility is responsible for the development of the West and Central Africa Component of the Pan African Action Plan for Active Mobility, and currently helping to develop the National Cycling Policy and Strategy for Nigeria. Emmanuel is President of the Africa Urban Cycling Organisation and Vice President of the World Cycling Alliance. Emmanuel has managed many sustainable transport and road safety projects around Africa. He is a Transport Planner, Chattered Engineer, Author of 9 books and a PhD candidate at the University of Portharcourt Nigeria
Topic: Advancing the cause of road transportation